In this episode Lauri Daitchman has some great advice on steps you can take after you separate from your ex. There are many important decisions to be made and she'll speak about some of the key steps you can take.
What to do after you separate:
After you separate, there are many important decisions that must be made. Here are some of the key steps that you should take. Think about whether you want to move or stay in your current home. If you want to move, think about where you want to go.
If you have kids, think about how you would like them to spend time with you and your ex. Be practical: If you have to work until 6:00pm, don't insist on picking them up after school at 3:00pm.
Come up with a budget.
Think about how you and your ex will financially support your own households. This may require the payment of support.
Meet with a lawyer.
The right lawyer can give you the information that you need to make the right decisions for your family.
Most importantly, take care of yourself.
Spend time with your friends, talk to your family, and consider seeing a counsellor to help you through this difficult time.
Some property can be excluded from property division/equalization. In other words, you may not have to share the value of all of your property with your spouse when you separate.