Arbitration is an excellent option if you think that you and your spouse will be unable to reach an agreement, but you want more privacy and less wait time than the Court system can provide to you.

Best Arbitration Family Lawyer | Toronto, Richmond Hill

Arbitration gives you and your spouse the opportunity to choose who will resolve the issues in your matter.  It also allows you to keep your private matters private, while maintaining certainty, as much as possible, that your issues will be resolved by the end of the arbitration process.

In order to attend arbitration, you must hire a lawyer to represent you during arbitration.  You must also select an arbitrator who can make binding decisions in your matter.  When you hire your arbitrator, you should sign a contract with the arbitrator and your ex that will define which issues the arbitrator will resolve, set timelines for the exchange of all relevant documents, and outline other important issues.

What You Need To Know About Arbitration

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Arbitration gives you and your spouse the opportunity to choose who will resolve the issues in your matter.


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Arbitration allows you to keep your private matters private, while maintaining certainty, as much as possible, that your issues will be resolved by the end of the arbitration process.

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Arbitration is optional, which means that you cannot force someone to attend arbitration, nor can you force someone to agree upon a particular arbitrator.  If you want to attend arbitration, you and your spouse must agree to do so, and agree upon whom your arbitrator will be.