If you and your spouse want to avoid Court, Collaborative Family Law may be a great option for you. 

Collaborative Family Law Lawyer

Collaborative Family Law is a dispute resolution method designed to help you focus on what is most important to you and your former partner.  Via the Collaborative Family Law process, you and your spouse can explain what you think is best for your family, and why.  With this information, you can try to create a Separation Agreement that meets both of your needs. 

One of the main differences between Collaborative Family Law and regular negotiations is that Court is not an option while you are involved in the Collaborative process. If either you or your spouse want to go to Court, you would each have to retain a new lawyer to start a court action.  This is often a strong incentive to keep you and your spouse focused on resolving the issues at hand and help prevent each of you from threatening to take the other to Court.

Consult a Collaborative Family Law Lawyer for Mutually Agreed Separation

Collaborative Family Law is meant to help parties resolve their disputes together by thinking of creative solutions that work for everyone involved.  The Collaborative Family Law process allows you to resolve the issues in your matter respectfully, creatively, and cooperatively.  This method is especially helpful if you have children because it can be easier to parent with your ex when you work together to create a plan that works best for your children, as opposed to you arguing in Court over whose plan is best.

Collaborative Family Law encourages Negotiation, open communication, and cooperation.  These skills can help you parent your children with your ex once the negotiation of your Separation Agreement is complete.

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