
As experienced family lawyers, we can guide you through the process of:

Negotiating a Separation Agreement is when your lawyer discusses the issues in dispute with the other side to reach a settlement.  A Separation Agreement is a binding contract that deals with all family law issues in your matter. Legal advice is essential to ensure that your Separation Agreement will protect your rights.          

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With Collaborative Family Law, you and your former partner meet with your lawyers to resolve the issues that matter to both of you.  Other professionals can be involved, such as social workers and financial professionals.  This process is designed to focus on what each of you want and why it is important to your family.      

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Mediation is when you and your former partner hire a neutral third party to help resolve your family law issues.  Mediators can help you reach an agreement, but they cannot make any binding decisions or give you legal advice. Including your lawyer in the mediation process is essential to protecting your rights.

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Arbitration is when you and your former partner hire a neutral third party to make decisions on your legal issues, similar to a Judge.  Unlike mediation, you are bound by what the arbitrator decides.  You cannot attend arbitration without a lawyer.                                                               

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Litigation means going to Court.  If you go to Court, a Judge may make many important decisions about your family.  

There are many different rules that must be followed if you go to Court. If you do not follow these rules, Court Orders can be made against you. Our role is to help you ensure that all of these rules are followed and to present your case in the courtroom.

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If you are in the process of planning parenthood with a sperm or egg donor, a Donor Agreement is highly recommended for you. Although a Donor Agreement may not be required, there are many benefits to having an agreement between you and the donor.  A properly drafted Donor Agreement will specify what, if any, role the donor will have in your family and will outline your and the donor’s rights and responsibilities now, and in the future.

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